Your Ultimate Construction of SEO - The Mighty Silo Structure

It should all start from the beginning before working on improvements. So, to make a website perform amazingly, developers use a specialized silo structure that displays a blueprint for the whole website. It keeps the data clean and understandable, and we are here with some SEO practices to make it even better. 

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What is meant by Silo Structure Fixing?

Silo Structure Fixing in SEO is the strategic reorganization of a website’s content into separate parts or silos, each dedicated to a specific topic or theme. It involves creating a clear hierarchy through internal linking, making it easier for search engines to comprehend content relationships. 

Silo structuring helps with keyword targeting, improves user navigation, and can lead to higher search engine rankings. By grouping related content and emphasizing thematic relevance, websites can achieve better organization, indexing efficiency, and overall SEO effectiveness.

About Our Silo Structure Fixing Like Overview
Crucial For Website

How Crucial is Silo Structure for Websites?

The SEO silo structure is a pivotal component for websites to achieve optimal search engine visibility and user engagement. By systematically categorizing and interlinking content into distinct topic-based silos, websites enhance their content’s relevance and authority in the eyes of search engines. 


This framework not only helps search engines understand the website’s main themes more effectively but also results in improved user navigation and experience. A well-implemented silo structure can elevate a website’s search engine rankings, boost organic traffic, and facilitate efficient indexing of new content. 

Silo Structure

  • Involves categorizing content into distinct topic-based silos.
  • Each silo focuses on a specific theme or keyword.
  • Internal linking connects content within the same silo, reinforcing content hierarchy.
  • Enhances search engine understanding of content relevance and authority.
  • Improves user navigation and engagement by providing organized pathways.

Flat Structure

  • Involves a shorter organization without any strict topic-based divisions.
  • Content is spread across a few main sections without clear thematic separation.
  • Internal linking might not emphasize content relationships effectively.
  • User navigation might be less intuitive, affecting user experience.
  • It may result in less targeted keyword optimization and potentially lower search engine rankings.

Our Well-Known Silo Structure Fixing Services

To ensure that your website reaches its goals with link building and a stronger connection, we have devised, practiced, and organized a range of services to tailor your website perfectly.

Top-Down Recycle

Top-Down Recycle

We will restructure the web pages, removing or modifying some of them, and making a main section with subsections on the top that would make browsing easier.

Reverse Silo

Reverse Silo

Another powerful SEO strategy involves interlinking content within the page that would increase organic traffic with a reverse silo.

Serial Silo

Serial Silo

We will implement some SEO serially with more organization, which involves categorizing pages, interlinking content, and sub-categorizing sections into one group.



This would make browsing even quicker where the audience can click once to direct to another link or page instantly.

Priority Silo

Priority Silo

This would make browsing even quicker where the audience can click once to direct to another link or page instantly.

Need a Well Structured Website Blueprint?

We are ready to help. Call us today or get a free quote customized for you and your business.

The Process of Fixing Structure

Each of our services follows a certain, well-constructed sequence of actions that would ensure that the service comes out meaningful with the desired results. 

Conduct Audit

Before getting on with SEO, we will perform a thorough audit of the website, conduct an analysis of the market and competitors, and find out brand goals to design our silo strategy.

Research Keywords

Keywords are vital to uplift content and make it to the front page of search engines. So, based on searches and competitors, we will note down the main keywords that would bring out the content forward.

Identify supporting pages

Only the main content isn’t enough, we will also use some secondary sections and web pages that are important with necessary information. We will organize the website by placing these pages in order.

Breaking Topic

Instead of placing everything in one place, it’s better to break the topics and content into sections, firstly by identifying and highlighting the main topics.

Breaking Subtopics

Even the subtopics don’t need to be cramped, so we will break them into even smaller sections that will improve readability and visit time, with easier navigation.

Plan the navigation structure

To ensure now that the navigation of each content becomes easier, we move on to improving navigation by rearranging, modifying, and even changing some technical aspects of the website. 

Keyphrase Implementation

The key phrase is the one core item that can move your site to the top of major search engines. So, by using various SEO tools, analysis, and planning, we will implement a few keyphrases to the main content.

Linking Pages

Interlinks are also the key to success with references or appearing on major websites that can boost yours with increased visitors. So, we will also implement links to different pages.

Frequently Asked Questions

After the initial planning, you can start by choosing a theme for the website, using physical or virtual silos, researching keywords, and writing a good, and. SEO-friendly content. Use platforms like Google Search Console, PPC Programs, etc for SEO analysis.

A silo is part of a system where data is contained from other parts of the brand and its website layout. It includes the knowledge, or control of a website structure for development.